We are all on a journey. I know this sounds like a cliché but it is true nevertheless. Often in our lives we feel like we are standing still but we are not. Journeys and life involve movement. If we are not moving ourselves, life will move us. Movement is part of life and there are no journeys that allow you to stand still. The journey of life is hopefully a long journey with lots of interesting side trips. Our movement through life may not always be pleasant but if we are lucky it is interesting. All journeys give us experience and many journeys fill us with wisdom. The first time we go down a path we may be lost and not know our way. With each additional trip the path becomes more familiar and we may walk the path multiple time just because we enjoy it. Other paths may be treacherous and if we survive them we make every effort to never go down that path again. Some paths are rocky or slippery and we must be careful with every step. Other paths are like a super highway where we can turn on the cruise control and enjoy the scenery. We often end up on many paths where we have no idea where they will end. Occasionally they are dead ends but sometimes they take us to the places of our dreams. I once watched a movie with my granddaughter called “The Croods”. It was the story of a prehistoric family who dwell in a cave. The father is always reminding the children of his cardinal rule. The rule is “Never leave the cave”. Of course, he has a daughter who wants to leave the cave more than anything. Circumstances finally force the entire family to leave the cave and by doing so, they discover a world full of wonder. So get out of your cave, begin your journey, and discover a world full of wonder.
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