During our lifetime we walk down many different roads. We start in one place and end up in another place. When one road ends, another one begins. As Tom Hanks declared in the movie Forrest Gump, “I’ve worn lots of shoes”. In all of the journeys down all of the roads we have traveled in our lives we’ve all worn lots of shoes. I have an old pair of sneakers with tie dyed shoe strings that are completely worn out but I have kept them because they have taken me to many rock and roll concerts in my life. The shoes, and the journeys on which I wore them, have many memories for me. I hope my wife doesn’t pitch them when I am not looking. Often when we are walking down one of life’s roads we have no idea where it will end or where it will intersect another road. We don’t always know where we are and it is only by looking in our rear view mirror that we know where we’ve been. If we know where we are going we have a better idea about what kind of shoes to wear. I once visited France and spent a week with people from twelve different countries and several continents. Our hosts took a bunch of us on a bus trip to a local shrine in a forest. After we all got off the bus, the bus left us. Most of us didn’t realize that part of the experience was to hike back to where we began. The hike back was through the forest. It was beautiful but there were hills to climb, creeks to cross, and occasional mud. Some of the ladies and a few of the men were not prepared for such a hike. I wasn’t wearing my rock and roll shoes but I did have on some shoes appropriate for a hike in the forest. As you walk down the roads of your life, including the occasional side trip through a forest, be sure you have on the right kind of shoes.
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