Here’s something I once read from a book called Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh.
We try to be in touch with life and look deeply as we drink our tea, walk, sit down, or arrange flowers. The secret of the success is that you are really yourself, and when you are really yourself, you can encounter life in the present moment.
Today I want all of you to really be who you are. Along with being who you are I want you to be where you are and I want you to do what you are doing. This might all sound simple but it is not. Most people are not who they really are. Most of us are trying to be who we think we need to be to impress or appease others. Most of us are not where we are. Our minds and bodies are rarely in the same place. Whatever most of us are doing, we are probably thinking about what we need to do next. Many of our lives demand multi-tasking and that really complicates things. In today’s world it is very challenging to only do one thing at a time. Wherever you are today, and whatever you are doing each moment, be there and do it. If you’re drinking your coffee, tea, or soda, really drink it. Know that you are drinking it. When you have a snack or eat your lunch, know that you are doing it. Taste your food, enjoy it’s flavor, and mindfully chew it. If you are outside, and there is a breeze, feel the wind. Today is going to be hot so it will be a simple task to feel the sun. Simply put, live your life today and enjoy every minute of the day. Be alive and awake
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