Make a list of things that excite you. What kind of person would you be if you could sustain this level of excitement more often? What steps can you take to become more like that person?
I must admit that I am a person that doesn’t get excited easily. I am cynical by nature, more reserved than I care to admit, and my true emotions rarely show. As a leader one of my weaknesses is an inability to be a cheerleader type of person. There are certainly people and things that give me joy. My granddaughter and music come to mind. However, I don’t think joy and excitement are the same thing as excitement. I think what excites me is when I can be who I really am and do what I do best. Occasionally this happens but not with a great deal of frequency. Many people find it difficult to be who they are because they don’t know who they are. I have a fairly good idea of my identity because I’ve had a long life so far to figure it out. Many people also don’t know what they do best because they haven’t found their gift yet. Excitement is a difficult emotion for me. When I actually feel excitement it is almost uncomfortable. I suppose the strongest emotion I feel is passion. Passion, however, is a double edged sword. On the positive side I can feel passion for something I truly believe in but on the negative side my passion is occasionally repressed anger that has found its way to the surface of my feelings. Today I will try to meditate on things that excite me and ways that I can nurture this feeling within myself. I want to live a life where my experiences, thoughts, and actions excite me. Excitement, like joy, is a wonderful feeling. I avoid all negative feelings and most of the time I am positive, although not excited. What about you?
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