Tuesday, September 01, 2015


The final element, or habit, of mindfulness is acceptance.  In this scenario, acceptance is defined as  “completely accepting the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and beliefs that you have and understanding that they are simply those things only”. 
Today we finish my thoughts on mindfulness.  When it’s all said and done, mindfulness is accepting reality as it is with patience, without judging, and with a child-like “Beginner’s Mind”.  It is also trusting  in our personal ability to deal with the moment, allowing life to unfold as it will by non-striving, and finally, accepting it for what it is.  Whatever our individual moments add up to be, for most of us they are not the moments we probably dreamed of in our youth.  I’ve often felt like most of my life was an accident.  The life I have is not really the life I wanted.  It is, however, the life I have.  Just because the life I have is not the realization of my early dreams does not mean it’s all bad.  I strive to not see anything as good or bad .  My life is what it is and many twists and turns brought me to this point.  I can mourn the fact that it’s not everything I hoped for or I can accept it and strive to better understand why I am where I am and what I am supposed to do with what I have been given.  Such acceptance does not come easy and I am not totally there.  However, even my feelings must be accepted as “they are what they are”.     

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