All of my life I have loved books. From the time I first learned to read there has never been a time when a book was far from my reach. Although in my youth I was very much the all American boy who loved sports and the outdoors, I also loved when the library bookmobile came to my neighborhood. I always came home with a stack of books. My favorites books were biographies. These days I have books downstairs and I have books upstairs. There are two chairs in my house where I routinely sit and there are books on both of the tables next to the chairs. Even Chloe, when asked what Pa Paw wanted for Christmas replied, "CD's and books". I received two more books for Christmas. They are Wake Up...A Life of the Buddha by Jack Kerouac. Kerouac is probably most famous for his book On the Road. It was the book that energized those that became known as the Beat Generation who in turn became the precursors of the hippie generation. The other book I received was The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama. Unfortunately I don't read as much as I used to do. Most workday evenings I don't seem to have the mental energy to read without becoming sleepy. When I read it is usually during my quiet time in the morning before I leave for work or on a weekend. However, sometimes, when I find the right book at the right time, I am energized and I can read almost non stop. In those moments I can get completely lost in them. Books and music have been my most faithful friends.
Perhaps you would enjoy my Kerouac-obsessed blog at www.thedailybeatblog.blogspot.com.
Thanks for the heads up. I will check it out!
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