Each workday morning my alarm goes off at 5:45 AM. This alarm is a warning shot that I have 15 more minutes to hug the sheets before I actually have to get out of my bed. I usually thank God for the extra 15 minutes as though I had hours to go. 6:00 AM seems far away while at the same time my 15 minutes goes by in the blink of an eye. Later in the day, when I am at work, the clocks seem to be frozen. The last two hours of my day seem like eight hours. Our perception of time can vary wildly. I have my own theory of relativity. I am no Albert Einstein but here’s what I think. Time is like a loop. I know some people say time is like a river but I think it is like a loop. When you are a child or young person, the end of your life seems very far away. The loop stretches a long distance and you have the perception that you have all the time in the world. Remember when you were a child on summer vacation and the days seemed eternal? As you get older and closer to the end of your life the time loop get smaller and your new perception is that the speed of your life has increased dramatically. The smaller the loop, the faster life seems to pass by. We all know that in reality life moves at the same pace all the time. There are sixty seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and twenty four hours in a day. However, the perception of minutes, hours, and days is vastly different for a child like my granddaughter and a sixty two year old man like me. If life seems to be moving too fast for you, the best way to slow it down is to be more mindful and more conscious of the moments that make up your day. Enjoy life as it unfolds and don’t “wish your life away” as my mother used to say to me. Time is valuable. Spend it wisely.
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