Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Finally! A Beautiful Day!

Yesterday I left work early for a doctor appointment.  It was time for my quarterly blood work and lecture from the doctor.  When I left the office and went outside it was 50 degrees and the sun was shining bright.  With the winter that we’ve had this year I had almost forgotten that such days can exist.  Although I was not in a bad mood I could literally feel my mood improve with every step.  The warm temperature and bright sunshine was invigorating.  I felt like a new man.  The man I was before yesterday’s beautiful weather was a man beaten down by the harsh reality of a very long winter.  The day got better still when my doctor told me I was doing pretty good.  Good weather and good news is always a boost to the soul.  Life is hard and often demanding.  Overcast skies, constant snow, and frigid temperatures can become depressing.  Whenever I experience a wonderful day after a string of long and ordinary days I feel a lightness of being.  Even though my wife added a trip to the grocery store after our doctor appointment I was still in a good mood when I got home.  Although I am grateful that I can go to the grocery and get whatever I want it is still one of my least favorite activities in life.  It didn’t hurt that when I got home some new “old” music was waiting for me.  I was ready to rock.  Unfortunately, after a day of many conversations, a trip to the doctor, and going to the grocery store, as soon as I sat down I was out like a light and my rocking was delayed a couple of hours.  Such is life…         

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