If you ask the question “What’s wrong”?, most people would have little difficulty providing you with a laundry list of their problems, issues, concerns, and complaints. I would like to challenge you to take a different approach to your life. It’s safe to assume that everyone has problems, issues, concerns, and complaints. Sooner or later, however, you will wear out the people around you if it’s all you talk about. I would like you to change the question to “What’s not wrong”? Start focusing on all the things in your life that aren’t wrong. We should always be grateful for the good things in our lives. We should also be grateful for the bad things that aren’t in our lives. In others words, we should be grateful most of the time. It seems to be human nature to completely blow out of proportion any negative experiences in life and to quickly forget all the positive experiences. Even negative experiences, however, have a positive side. They remind us to be grateful. When life is good we can become complacent and forget to be grateful. We earthlings are a fickle species. Life is good and we don’t always appreciate it. We have a bad experience and we think life is always bad. To paraphrase the words of Thomas Merton, we are all walking around shining like the sun and we don’t even realize it. What’s not wrong? Almost everything most of the time. When you are waking up, opening your eyes, and looking for joy, you are likely to trip over it. Joy can be like the lost glasses that are sitting upon your nose.
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