My oldest son was jammed up at work yesterday so my wife and I came to the rescue by picking up Chloe at her karate school. It is always a bright spot in my day when I get to see her. I think she has a little bit of my personality. When I walk into the school there are usually dozens of children doing some kind of group activity. I can always quickly spot Chloe. In the midst of all the other children and the activity, she is almost always off into her own little world. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to even notice me. When she finally sees me I get a big smile and she runs towards me for a hug. Recently I overheard a conversation between Chloe and my wife. It went like this.
My wife: Chloe, did you know Paw Paw’s friend died and went to Heaven?
Chloe: No.
My wife: It makes Paw Paw very sad when he thinks about it.
Chloe: Then why does he think about it?
Only a child could have such a simple solution to something as profound as grief. I love the way Chloe and other children see life. For most children, life is simple. They are totally in the moment and their vision is unclouded. We adults make everything complicated and as a result we are stressed most of the time. Last week Chloe turned nine years old and I could hardly believe it. Some of you have been hearing and reading about my granddaughter since the day she was born. It is joyful to be part of her life and to watch her develop into the person she is. If you are still raising children I understand from my own experience that it can be exhausting and stressful. However, you can learn a lot from children. In the quieter moments of your life, sit back and watch them. Listen to them. They have much to teach us.
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