All Things Must Pass.
-A song and album by George Harrison
Back in 1970, George Harrison, one of the Beatles, released a major album called “All Things Must Pass” after years of being overshadowed by his Beatle band mates, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. It is a very spiritual album influenced by Hinduism, George’s religion of choice. The most famous song on the album was “My Sweet Lord”. It has been my experience in life that all things truly do pass. In the time I have been on this planet many people, places, and things have passed through and from my life. The idea that all things pass is bittersweet. Although most bad things pass, good things are also transitory. Life is always in flux even though it’s movement is not always discernible in the moments of our lives. We often feel like nothing ever changes and then we wake up and ten years has passed. It is a comfort to know that the storms of our lives won’t last forever but the impermanence of life should also remind us to enjoy life when it is sweet. Life is like the weather. Some days are stormy and overcast. Other days are sunny with blue skies and cool breezes. Sometimes the weather slows us down and other days it energizes us. We must also remember that we, too, will pass. As we go through our lives we need to ask ourselves what impact are we having on the world around us. Are we doing good and positive things with our lives that makes us a sunny day for others or are we a storm that others hope will quickly pass?
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