In whatever you so, don’t expect to get anything back, don’t expect recognition for your efforts, don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Do it for the joy of doing it, or otherwise it is just another ego trip.
Most of us are good people who try to do good things and who generally care about others. We give our best and do what we can and much of it goes unnoticed or seems unappreciated. Sooner or later we realize that we must do what we do simply because it gives us joy or because it is the right thing to do even if we never get any credit, recognition, or appreciation. Ego is a big thing in our lives. The desire to be loved and appreciated is equally huge. Hopefully, we do feel loved and appreciated most of the time whether it be from family, co-workers, friends, or strangers. Follow your bliss and all that gives you joy. As St. Augustine once said, way back in the 5th century, “Love and do what you will”. Do good works and even if there is no immediate gratification, I believe your goodness will come back to you. History is full of famous people who changed the world. Most people, however, labor day after day with little recognition. Some plant trees under whose shade they will never sit. What’s the point? I think we should all strive to do what is good and right even if no one else knows we are doing it. I think many of us will be remembered more from our eventual absence than by our current presence. We all want attention. We all want to be noticed. We all want to be appreciated. However, you may not get any of these things so don’t depend on them for your happiness. How you act in secret, when there is no spotlight, says more about your character than most public acts.
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