Tuesday, March 06, 2012


Yesterday we had almost four inches of sun when I woke up. Today it is 70 degrees. It's springtime in Kentucky!

This past Saturday I went with my oldest son and my granddaughter to see the dinosaur display at the Fairgrounds. I think I was as eager to go as she was since we both love dinosaurs. My wife was not feeling well so we left her in bed. I’m not sure what was the scariest, the T-Rex or the thousands of small children all gathered in one place. For an introvert like me who cherishes his quiet Saturday mornings with my coffee and newspaper, it was quite an adventure. Of course, I always enjoy doing things with my granddaughter because she is so full of life while most of the time I feel like I am out of gas. We had a great time but I admit that I was in need of a nap by the end of the day.

Breakfast Bar at Frisch’s: $30.00

Parking at the Fairgrounds: $8.00

Tickets to the Dinosaur exhibit for one adult, one child, and one senior: $32.00

Extra tickets for the “Special Exhibits” and inter-active displays: $20.00

Two small toys at the “DinoStore: $15.00

Watching Chloe’s excitement and seeing her joy: Priceless!

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