After two weeks in the body shop, I got my car back last Friday. What first appeared to be a minor fender bender ended up costing approximately $2,500 to fix. This is why I write a check to State Farm Insurance every month. During the two weeks that my car was in the shop I had a very nice, almost new, rental car. I was nervous the whole time I was driving this car worrying that someone would run into me or I would run into them. Sure enough, the last morning I drove the car to work, someone came within inches of merging into me out on the interstate. Before I could even react, they realized I was in their blind spot and they corrected their error. I immediately said a silent prayer. When I finally turned the car back in and I picked up my car, I was relieved. Getting back into my car I realized how much I like the familiar and the comfortable. Every time I drive a car other than my own everything is opposite. The controls and gas take are on different sides of the car. Instinctually I go for the side I am used to but quickly realize everything is different. Beyond cars, I must admit that I like familiar things in all of my life whether it be restaurants or routines. I am a creature of habit and routine. I like to know what to expect and most of the time I don’t like surprises. I suppose this sounds boring to some people but it’s the way I am wired. I take comfort in my routines and doing things the same way. In my defense, I can change and adapt when needed and sometimes I do it intentionally for my own good. The routine and the familiar, however, are part of how I try to live a simple life. I certainly do not seek out the complicated. You can call it a simple life or taking the path of least resistance. However, you name it, I like it. Driving my normal car this morning I quickly pulled up on the correct side of the gas pump. With the rental car I always had to check myself.
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