It sometimes seems there is always someone in our lives who makes us feel inadequate. It can be a boss, a spouse, our children, our friends, or the world in general. Just because I don’t meet another person’s every need does not make me inadequate. I am at a point in my life where I am no longer apologizing for who I am. If who I am is not your cup of tea, try another blend. I am not saying that everyone has to like everything about me. I know I am not everyone’s cup of tea. I also know that some people think I am great just the way I am. At my age I am probably not going to change much although I believe I am consistently trying to be the best version of who I am that I can be. If I am not the perfect boss, employee, spouse, father, son, brother, co-worker, or wonder worker, that’s just the way it is. In my mind I am more than all of these things anyway. In fact, none of these things is who I am, they are merely what I am. None of these things define me. My being is more than what I am or what I do. Don’t live your life based on what other people think. Most of them won’t even be part of your life over the long haul. Don’t misunderstand what I am saying. I am not saying that we can all act anyway we want and other people just have to deal with us. I am not encouraging anyone to be a jerk. What I am saying is don’t let other people determine who you are. Everyone else’s opinion is just a perception. Look into your own heart and follow your own bliss. Be the best person you know how to be and be grateful for who you are. You will please some people and annoy others. Some will love you and some will misunderstand you. If you listen to your own inner voice your will know the path you should walk and along the way you will meet all kinds of people. Some you will love, most you will accept, but some you will simply tolerate.
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