Thursday, January 23, 2014

An Unexpected Day With My Granddaughter

As always when we have wintry weather my neighborhood looks worse than the rest of the world.  My drive to work was trouble free.  The roads were wet and traffic was slow but otherwise it was a normal commute.  However, as I walked into the office I experienced a polar vortex of wind and snow.  The closer I got to the building the harder the wind was blowing.  At one point I thought it might knock me down.  The icy snow stung my face.  As they sometimes say in the movies, “I didn’t see that coming”!
Yesterday as I was dropping my wife off at her office, and I was nearly at work, my son called in a panic because it was a school holiday because of Martin Luther King Day and he had nowhere to leave my granddaughter.  When he called she was with him where he works.  It was Paw Paw to the rescue.  I drove to where my son worked and picked her up.  We spent the day together playing games and watching the Disney channel.  During one of our conversations I asked Chloe why she liked me so much.  She replied, “Because you’re awesome”!  This was the best performance review that I have ever received and, to be honest, the most meaningful.  When the day was nearly over we drove downtown to pick up Granny and then I gave her back to Dad.  Soon after returning home. It was nap time for Paw Paw.  I love my granddaughter and she is one of the best things that ever happened to me.  If you are a struggling parent hang in there.  Someday when you are a grandparent it will all be worth it.   

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