When I left the office last night it was snowing, the wind was blowing, and it was considerably colder than when I had arrived in the morning. I gingerly made my way along the sidewalk to the parking garage. After picking my wife up at her office we made the slow commute home. Although we only had about an inch of snow the roads were slick. Tired and hungry we stopped along the way for a quick meal. It was still snowing and the wind was still blowing when we finally arrived home. As I walked in my house I prayed a silent prayer of gratitude that I had a home and that it was warm. Whether it is day or night I love to be home on cold and wintry days. I know I have said it a thousand times but as one gets older there is a deeper appreciation for the comforts of home. Once I got settled in I noticed something I had received from a friend. It was a picture of a blazing fire in what appeared to be a cabin. Across the picture it said, “This weekend I think I will read books, drink coffee, play music, and bolt the door”. My friend told me the picture and the words reminded them of me. The picture and words certainly paint a portrait of what I would consider a perfect scenario. If you are an introvert like me, or perhaps a very weary extrovert, such a scene is Heaven. My weekend won’t be quite this perfect. I expect to spend a lot of time with my granddaughter and tomorrow night I am going to a graduation party for one of my nieces who just received her PhD. Whenever I can, however, I will spend time reading a new book, drinking some coffee, playing some music, and bolting the door. Sometimes my granddaughter and I will spend time in the same room, each doing their own thing, being alone together. I have taught her well.
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