Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Work Of Being Me

I was mad at myself last night. Throughout my workday I eagerly anticipated going home and enjoying my quiet time. Like many people I love to be home enjoying simple pleasures like reading or listening to music. When I was finally got settled in my favorite chair, I watched the evening news and read the morning paper. Afterwards I thought I would close my eyes for just a few minutes. Two hours later my wife is waking me up and saying, "It's time for 24, Dude"! After I made my way over to the living room she said, "You didn't look like you were seizing the day"! I then spent the next hour in a daze as poor Jack Bauer experienced everything going wrong that could go wrong. When I watch any hour of Jack Bauer's 24 hour day I realize that I really never have a bad day.

Last night, at approximately 6:00 PM, I had my 4000th visit to this blog. I am not sure what draws people to my blog or why many of them return. However, I am also willing to accept that some find value or meaning in my stories and reflections and that makes me happy.

After I finally went to bed last night I told my wife that I could simply no longer work because I didn't have the time. Why don't I have the time? Well, I joked, it takes all day just to be me. I have too many books to read, too many thoughts to ruminate, too many reflections to write, too much music to enjoy, and I am way behind on simply staring out the window with a mug of tasty coffee or hot chocolate in my hand. Let's just review my current list of books that are being read, waiting to be read, or hoping for completion someday. We won't even go into the hundreds of CD's that I own and that I wish I could listen to everyday.

  1. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
  2. Becoming Enlightened by the Dalai Lama
  3. The Life of Pete Townshend by Mark Wilkerson
  4. Surprised by Joy by C. S. Lewis
  5. The Inner Experience by Thomas Merton
  6. The Tao of Leadership by John Heider
  7. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
  8. I Heard God Laughing by Hafiz
  9. The Life of Buddha by Jack Kerouac
  10. Thomas Merton: Spiritual Master/The Essential Writings edited by Lawrence Cunningham
  11. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
  12. Lectio Divina by Basil Pennington

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